General terms of business
1. Registration/applications
Registrations for training courses or examinations are to be made in writing to the examination centre. The registration forms needed for this purpose are available here. Online registration is also possible there. Registrationis binding as soon as a written acknowledgment of order has been issued by the examination centre selected.
2. Organization and execution of training courses / examinations
Training courses / examinations are organized and carried out by the examination centres specified in the announcements. The minimum number of participants in training courses and examinations is 5 persons. Hotel reservations are to be made by customers on their own. A list of hotels and a description of the route to the event is normally attached to the acknowledgment of order.
3. Prices
Prices for training courses and examinations are to be understood as being per participant and ex value added tax. If nothing is stated to the contrary, the training documents and, in the case of initial certification, the DIN EN ISO 9712 and DGR certificates and certification card with a photo attached are included in the price. Certificates made out in languages other than German and English will be charged for.
Fees are also payable for renewals, extensions, recertificationsand the setting up of a separate file; for details of the amountspayable, the current schedule of fees should be consulted.
4. Cancellations
Cancellations of participations in events (training courses, seminars,
examinations) are to be made in good time and should
be addressed in writing to the examination centre concerned.
The following conditions will apply:
• If a cancellation is made up to 2 weeks before the date of the event, we charge a processing fee of €100.- ex VAT.
• If a cancellation is made later than 2 weeks before the date of the event, or if the customer does not appear for the scheduled event or discontinues his or her attendance, he or she will be invoiced for the entire cost or for the entire fee for the event.
If events are cancelled by the examination centre, the customer will incur no costs; any fees that have been paid will be refunded. The customer will be notified immediately both of the cancellation and of the date of the next event. Unless otherprovisions are made in the arrangements for liability, SECTOR Cert will be exempted from all claims going beyond the above.
5. Participation fees and invoices
The participation fee is due immediately and without any deductions, following receipt of the invoice.
6. Liability and damages
SECTOR Cert will be exempted from all claims for damages on the part of the customer, whatever their legal basis may be. The above exemption from liability will not apply if malice aforethought or gross negligence is involved, or if SECTOR Cert negligently violates a contractual responsibility. If SECTOR Cert negligently violates its contractual responsibility – except in cases of malice aforethought or gross negligence – its liability will be limited to claims that were typically foreseeable at the time of the conclusion of the contract. Furthermore, the above restrictions on liability will not apply in the event of a loss resulting from an assurance, if said assurance was given to safeguard the customer against such a loss.
In other respects, the statutory regulations will apply.
7. Clothing and occupational safety
The training courses and examinations involve skilled manual work that requires working clothes and personal protective equipment (safety footwear, protective goggles, overalls). The customer has to bring the personal protective equipment with him or her. At the beginning of the course, all participants will be familiarized with the safety regulations, which must be complied with. In the event of infringements of any safety regulations that have been announced, the participant concerned can be excluded from the event. The training/examination centres will accept no liability in this respect.
8. Examinations
Payment of the examination fee does not entail a guarantee regarding the candidate’s success in the examination. The authorized examiner will decide whether the exam has been passed or not, on the basis of the rules laid down and the assessment schema stipulated. The authorized examiner can be asked for the provisional examination results at the end of the examination.
Preliminary examination certificates will be issued by the examination centre concerned. Objections to the authorized examiner’s decision are to be addressed to SECTOR Cert in writing.
9. Failure in an examination
Examinations that the candidate has failed can be repeated either fully or in part without any additional training after a minimum period of 30 days, subject to payment of a fee. If additional training or instruction is given, a repeat exam that is subject to a fee can also be taken at an earlier date.
10. Legal venue, body of law applicable, sphere of validity
The place of performance and the legal venue in the event of disputes is Cologne (VECTOR GmbH, SECTOR Cert GmbH). The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany will apply. These General Terms of Business will not apply to training courses that are announced on the basis of special arrangements.
(Date: 01.01.2013)